Mixed media digital collage with spray paint on 18x24” paper. Created in response to the passing of Louisiana Amendment 1.

Fun facts about vasectomies:
- They don’t mess with your hormones
- They don’t cause weight gain
- They don’t make your period cramps worse
- They don’t accidentally get lodged in your uterus and need to be surgically removed
- They don’t cost money every month
- They don’t require daily pills
- They don’t mess with your sex drive
- They work even if you aren’t able to keep a daily scheduled routine
- They are reversible
- They have a short recovery period
- They require zero maintenance, upkeep or effort after the short recovery period
- They are covered by most insurance
- They don’t break or fall off during sex
- They don’t give you acne
- They don’t give you headaches
- They don’t change your body’s natural cycle
- Your choice to get one (or not) is protected by law.

No one has the right to tell you what to do with your reproductive system. But for real, get a vasectomy. If you are against abortion, get a vasectomy. If you don’t want kids, get a vasectomy. If you don’t like wearing condoms, get a vasectomy. If you live somewhere where a person with a vagina’s right to chose what happens to their body is threatened or taken away, GET A VASECTOMY.

Price $120.00
Dimensions 24 x 18 x
H x W x D (cm)
Creation Date November 2020